GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული
GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული

Strategic Discussions

Debates have been hold on Strategic Discussions in Tbilisi (Presidential Palace) and Gori (Defense Academy).

It was co-organized by Georgian Strategic Analysis Center. Session about National Security Strategies for defense against Hybrid Foreign Influence was co-hosted by GSAC and GMF (German Marshall Fund). One of the moderators was Nodar Kharshiladze. 

Two founders of GSAC, Nodar Kharshiladze and Giorgi Rukhadze took part in the conference.
Diplomatic corps accredited to Georgia, as well as Georgian and inernational experts in defense and representatives of the national security sector have taken part in the discussions.

During the Strategic Discussions the participants brainstormed on possible strategies for tackling
security challenges in Georgia and the region. Policy recommendations for Georgia’s government and its
international partners will be developed based on the discussions. More specifically, the workshop aims
to facilitate discussion along the lines of the new vision initiated by the President of Georgia, ”National
Security​ ​of​ ​Georgia​ ​–​ ​Whole​ ​of​ ​Nation​ ​Approach.”

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