GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული
GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული

“Women in leadership” program in GSAC

A lecture within the program of “Women in Leadership” was held in Georgian Strategic Analysis Center, which was hosted by Giorgi Targamadze.

The aim of the program is to give opportunity to Kazakh women, who are interested in being future leaders or already are in relevant positions to gain, to get to know eachother and gain experience in communication with successfull Georgian women. The format of the program includes meetings with Georgian colleagues, going to different events organized by female enterpreneurs. With the help of the program they’ll be able to meet various Georgian women who have achieved success in their fields, like: Khatuna Lagagidze, Ana Mikadze-Chikvaidze, Irma Daushvili, Eka Babunashvili etc.

GSAC is conduced with partnership of Vita Travel.

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