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New Intern: Edgar Brutyan

We are happy that young, talented people as interns have joined our team. We would like to introduce each of them.

Mr. Edgar Brutyan is a junior student of the Free University of Tbilisi with a major in international relations. He studies Far Eastern countries and Chinese language and has already published two research papers regarding this region – “Great Wall of Chine” and “Influence of Confucianism on Economy”. Mr. Edgar is fluent in Armenian, Georgian, Russian, and English. He has done internships in different NGOs. Mr. Edgar also is a trainer in the Youth Activism Center and lecturer of the history of Georgian diplomacy in the Future Diplomats’ Club.

This summer Edgar Brutyan is participating in the Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders hosted by Bard college and financed by the U.S. state department.

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