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GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული

“Resilient Ethnic Minorities as a Response to Disinformation and Hybrid Threats” opening ceremony in Karajala

On November 18, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Georgia ,Mariusz Maszkiewicz, and the Founder of GSAC, Nodar Kharshiladze, opened the program  “Resilient  Ethnic Minorities as a Response to Disinformation and Hybrid Threats” in Karajala.

The project seeks to increase resilience in representatives of ethnic minority groups in Georgia, including local civil society members, opinion-makers, teachers, and youth, by equipping them with the skills necessary to recognize components of hybrid threats such as disinformation, fake news, and propaganda and to be able to counter them.

The project will hold four-day training sessions on the following topics:

NATO’s history, mission and values; NATO-Georgia relations; Identify disinformation and method of combating it; Hybrid war; Disinformation detection tools.

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