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GSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართულიGSAC - ქართული

The program “Resilient Ethnic Minorities as a Response to Disinformation and Hybrid Threats” was launched in Akhalkalaki

The program “Resilient Ethnic Minorities as a Response to Disinformation and Hybrid Threats” was launched in Akhalkalaki, which was organised by the Georgian Strategic Analysis Center and financially supported by the Embassy of Poland as the NATO Liaison Embassy.

The program is designed for local civil society representatives, teachers and young people living in Akhalkalaki Municipality.

The aim of the project is to help create a critical mass of ethnic minorities in Akhalkalaki Municipality who are aware of the risks of disinformation and hybrid warfare and to provide them with relevant theoretical and practical knowledge to identify and neutralize them.

The project also aims to improve their knowledge of the disinformation campaigns used by Russia, which threaten Georgia’s democratic development and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The presentation of the project was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Georgia Mariusz Mashkevich, Member of the Executive Board of the Georgian Strategic Analysis Center Valeri Chechelashvili, Mayor of Akhalkalaki Municipality Melkon Makarian and Program Manager Andrzej Klimchuk.

The project is hosted by the Samtskhe-Javakheti Regional Bureau of the NATO and EU Information Center in Akhalkalaki Municipality.

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