Crisis and Response training-simulation

Crisis and Response training-simulation

Georgian Strategic Analysis Center (GSAC) in partnership with the University of Georgia is implementing a new project “Crisis and Response Training-Simulation.”

Training-simulation involves testing the degree of national preparedness and resilience in the face of various threats and risks by drawing on a specific crisis scenario and analyzing the effectiveness of the response of relevant organizations and agencies (international and domestic) as well as existing legal, procedural mechanisms.

The project envisages the joint involvement and participation of students of political science and international relations at the master’s and bachelor’s degrees, and on the other hand, representatives of relevant government agencies in terms of crisis response.

The training-simulation serves not only to analyze the resilience of the state at the central or local level in a specific context, but also provides for the intensive training phase with the duration of one month (2 hrs. daily, 40 hrs. in total) during which the participants will gain in-depth knowledge and deepen their competence in various themes of crisis response.

The last phase of the project, which encompasses 2 days, involves drawing up a specific crisis scenario. On the third day, shortcomings will be identified through a complex analysis of the results using the tools obtained within the training-simulation.

The project will provide a comprehensive evaluation of the participants based on pre-established criteria and the most prominent will be identified and awarded with various gifts (including a week-long trip to Brussels to get better acquainted with the EU and NATO institutions).

Those who wish to participate in the simulation please register on the following link:


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)