Georgian Strategic Analysis Center conducted an 8-week training course “Władysław Raczkiewicz Media Training” program. The project was supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Georgia.
The project sought to enhance the technical and educational skill set of Georgian media stakeholders to facilitate more
comprehensive, accurate, and analytical reporting on relevant developments in the political, defense, peacebuilding, and security spheres. More specifically, the project introduced media representatives to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic relations—how the EU, NATO, and Georgia are cooperating to achieve shared objectives, Polish NATO integration model—as well as the mission and structure of the EU and NATO. During the. Furthermore, the project trained Georgian media representatives on journalism ethics and best practices, which will help shape Georgia’s media environment into one that aligns more closely with Western democratic standards.
The project encompassed a series of training that was carried out over the course of eight weeks.
25 selected journalists from more than 10 media outlets participated in two-hour-long training sessions three times a week that included discussions and interactive activities.
The program consisted of not only theoretical education but also practical implementation. At the end of the training course, journalists produced 15 final video projects and 30 artıcles about the main topics of the course.