Regional Communications Certification Program

Learn. Connect. Engage.

Strategies for Effective Communication in a Global World

Today’s organizations have acquired a global dimension.  Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to connect with others from all corners of the world and unite to achieve shared objectives.  Optimizing our organizational potential comes from understanding how to effectively engage available resources.  How can we use modern technologies to ensure that our voices, our messages, and our platforms not only reach, but resonate with, diverse audiences?  How can we use modern communication platforms to expand our communities?

The Georgian Strategic Analysis Center’s Regional Communications Certification Program brings together international experts and practitioners with multifaceted experience in leadership, messaging, and digital technology.  Learning how to establish lasting relationships lies at the core of the program.  Over the course of the one-week seminar, participants will strengthen their ability to devise creative strategies for reaching and engaging target audiences through modern technology.  This program will offer participants from the region an opportunity to develop sound skills in leadership and community engagement, as well as gain practical experience in digital communications and strategic messaging.

Leverage existing and new resources.  Connect with like-minded individuals.  Engage your audience. 

This program will broaden your understanding of existing communication resources and messaging strategies in a digitized world.  Not only will it expand your community by linking you with like-minded individuals, but it will expose you to effective strategies for engaging people from diverse backgrounds.  The program will blend both theory and practice, incorporating lectures as well as practical simulations.  Throughout the week, you will have the opportunity to build relationships with program mentors, educators, and peers, as well as develop group communication action plans that incorporate learning objectives covered throughout the course.  By participating in the Regional Communications Certification Program, you will enhance your ability to:

  • Define messages that resonate with diverse audiences;
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration among stakeholders;
  • Utilize modern communication strategies to facilitate informational exchange;
  • Acquire the interpersonal and technological skills necessary to maintain relationships;
  • Improve digital reliability to protect intellectual property.

Once groups of participants complete a final communication action plan, they will receive a certificate for their participation in the program.  An instructional team is in place to facilitate participants’ sustained engagement and continued learning once the seminar concludes.

The seminar is designed for individuals across public, private and non-profit sectors.

Admission Criteria

Individuals seeking to apply should have a basic understanding of social media and preferably a minimum of one to three years of demonstrated experience in communications and community engagement.  Applicants will be required to obtain a letter of recommendation from their office manager, professor, or supervisor.  This letter should be included as an attachment with the admissions information detailed in the application requirements below.

Eligible Countries


Application Requirements

Program admissions are conducted on a rolling basis.  Interested individuals are required to complete admissions questions in order to be considered for the Regional Communications Certification Program.  Please use the Google Form below to submit your application.  Interviews will be conducted with qualified candidates.  Admitted participants will receive information regarding communication plans, travel, and lodging.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)