The American political process in the context of the upcoming presidential elections in 2024

If you are interested in U.S. Politics and want to know more about the upcoming presidential election in 2024 Register Now-
It is with great honor that we host Harvard Professor Steve Jarding as a coach for our one-day masterclass on the American Political Process in the Context of the Upcoming Presidential Elections 2024.
As a member of the faculty at Harvard, Jarding’s teaching was recognized as “exemplary” by Kennedy School alumni, and his course on campaign management was twice nominated for the “Most Influential Course Award.

  • Steve Jarding is an educator, lecturer, writer, professional communications trainer, and political consultant who consults and trains students, politicians, and professionals from all walks of life around the world.

    Currently, Jarding serves as Global President of Corporate Affairs for a new international social media platform called Pixstory which is designed to identify and root out hate and disinformation and hold users accountable to the truth. Jarding’s battle against disinformation in social media platforms began in 2020 when he was hired by one of the world’s largest cyber security companies to develop a program to effectively expose and counter disinformation efforts on social media platforms.

    Also, since 2020, Jarding has been a board and faculty member of the Kautilya School of Public Policy at the Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management in Hyderabad, India. Jarding taught his communications course to students at Kautilya in August – September 2022.

    In 2023, Jarding joined with Shikamo Political Advisory and Campaign Services to provide campaign management training to participants in Africa’s first-ever Political Campaigns Executive Short Course at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

    Also, in 2023, Jarding was hired by the International Republican Institute in Poland to do an assessment of political party strength and to provide direction on how to make political parties there more effective and impactful.

    In August 2022, Jarding conducted communication training for over 100 members of Parliament and staff in Romania and to political party leaders in the Republic of Georgia, and to NGO leaders in Poland who are hoping to design better campaign policies to stave off Russian interference in their elections.

    In March 2022, Jarding addressed the 8th World Government Summit in Dubai, UAE, regarding a new paradigm of communication he developed at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and that he uses to train students and clients around the world.

    Jarding also continues to serve as a member of the National Journal’s political experts’ team where he participates in their regular polls on national politics.  Jarding has served in this capacity for the past decade.

    Until his retirement in 2019, Jarding served on the faculty at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University where he taught since 2004.  As a member of the faculty at Harvard, Jarding’s teaching was recognized as “exemplary” by Kennedy School alumni, and his course on campaign management was twice nominated for the “Most Influential Course Award.”  In 2016, Jarding was voted by the student body as “Teacher of the Year” at Harvard’s Kennedy School.  His course on political communication regularly bid for the highest point total among students making it the most sought after and popular course at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

    Since then, through his national and international consulting companies, Jarding Global LLC, and SJB Strategies International, Jarding continues to work, lecture, and provide communications training and political campaign management training to hundreds of candidates, campaigns, movements, and individuals in the US and around the world. To date, Jarding has lectured or consulted in over 40 countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe.

    Also, since his retirement from the Kennedy School, Jarding has returned to Harvard twice a year to conduct training for students from Harvard’s Kennedy School, Business School, and to students from MIT.

    His current and past clients include presidents, prime ministers, Nobel Prize laureates, members of Parliament, members of Congress, mayors, governors and elected officials from nearly every political position.  Jarding has also taught and continues to teach communications training techniques worldwide to thousands of business executives and professionals including to faculty at Stanford University, to North American Uber executives, to lawyers and doctors, to political parties and to a litany of causes worldwide.

    During this time, Jarding also taught at the IESE Business School in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain and for eight years taught leadership, political campaign management, and media training techniques to groups in Brazil and Romania where he continues to teach each summer.

    In his 40-year career, Jarding has also managed, consulted, and worked on numerous statewide and national campaigns in the United States, including an impressive list of winning U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races.

    Jarding is the author of numerous articles published in major U.S. and international publications and is the co-author of the book, “Foxes in the Henhouse” published by Simon and Schuster in 2006.  He also is the lead author of the “American” chapter on political advertising in the 2017 international textbook, Handbook on Political Advertising.


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