Gela Bezhuashvili

Gela Bezhuashvili

Gela Bezhuashvili has a vast history of working in the Government and industry sectors. Since 1990’s Mr. Bezhuashvili has held high-ranking positions in Georgia’s security field. Moreover, Mr. Bezhuashvili is experienced in NPO management and is actively  involved in the supervisory activities in the field of education.Currently  Mr.Bezhuashvili is serving as  a member of Board of Directors of Georgian Industrial Group and a member of the International Advisory Boards of top business schools of Brazil and Latin America: Dom Cabral Foundation (Brazil), and the University of San Diego (USA). He is a  founding member of the Adaptive Leadership Alumni Association of Harvard University. At various times, Mr. Bezhuazhvili has assumed the role of  a national expert in cooperation with the European structures: Committee of National Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI), Council of Europe; Multidisciplinary Group against Corruption (GMC), Council of Europe; Ad hoc committee on Protection of National Minorities, (DH-MIN), Council of Europe and  Venice Commission (Constitutional Law), Council of Europe. Since 2000, along with his official duties, Mr. Bezhuashvili has been involved in scientific research on International Law issues. He is currently teaching a course in Governance (The Art of Governance) at Georgian Institute of Public Policy (GIPA). Mr.Bezhuashvili is a holder of the highest Diplomatic Rank of “Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary” and the highest Civil Service Rank of “State Chancellor”. Mr.Bezhuashvili has been awarded with the Ukraine’s national award and the highest award of the Republic of Estonia.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)