The 10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Path to Modernization and New Opportunities for China-Georgia Cooperation

On September 6th, the Embassy of China in Georgia, in collaboration with the Georgian Strategic Analysis Center and the Geocase, organized a seminar in Tbilisi, Georgia, titled “The 10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese Path to Modernization, and New Opportunities for China-Georgia Cooperation.” The Ambassador of China to Georgia – Zhou Qian; First Deputy Chairperson of the Parliament – George Volski; Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia – Alexander Khvtisiashvili; Former Georgian Ambassador to Ukraine and Russia – Valeri Chechelashvili; Former Georgian Ambassador to China – David Aptsiauri; Director of the Georgian Strategic Analysis Center – Nodar Kharshilaze; Chair of Geocase – Victor Kipiani; Director of the Chinese Belt and Road Research Institute – Qi Xin and Vice president of China Foreign Affairs University – Sun Jisheng, attended the seminar and delivered speeches.

The seminar brought together representatives from the Georgian political, media, and academic circles to discuss topics such as the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, and the Chinese Path to Modernization, and exchange ideas on establishing a strategic partnership between China and Georgia. The aim was to explore new opportunities for future cooperation between the two countries, enhance mutual understanding, and promote bilateral cooperation in various fields, including politics, economics, culture, tourism, energy, transportation, infrastructure, and communication. This contributed to the mutual development of China and Georgia.

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